Horizon 2020 research project ALTERNATIVE develops an innovative platform for assessing the cardiotoxicity of chemicals. The novel platform will enable regulators and industry to identify, quantify and prevent cardiotoxic co-exposures to industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals in a cost-effective way.

Camila Betterelli Guliano from Elvesys - ALTERNATIVE project

ALTERNATIVE results presented at MicroPhysio conference in Cargèse

ALTERNATIVE consortium partner Elvesys presented selected project results at the first edition of the MicroPhysio conference on “Micro-physiological models: From organoids to organs-on-chip”, which took place at the CNRS center […] 
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ALTERNATIVE presented at health promotion event in Turin

ALTERNATIVE project coordinator Politecnico di Torino contributed to a regional health promotion event on the Piazza San Carlo in Turin called “Just the Woman I Am”, which took place on […] 
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ALTERNATIVE presentation at PARERE meeting - Feb 2022

ALTERNATIVE project introduced at European Regulators Network PARERE

At the annual European PARERE meeting on 17th February, Martin Paparella from Medical University Innsbruck and Birgit Mertens from Sciensano Β introduced the ALTERNATIVE project and specifically the activities related to […] 
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ALTERNATIVE presentation on AOPs for cardiotoxicity at 1st SAAOP Symposium

On 15, 17 and 22 February, the Society for the Advancement of Adverse Outcome Pathways (SAAOP) organized the 1stΒ AOP Community of Practice SymposiumΒ for everybody interested in AOPs and their applications. […] 
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ALTERNATIVE at Kick-Off Meeting of European Green Deal Chemicals’ Cluster

On 3rd February, a kick-off cluster event was organized by European Research Agency for the projects under work programme topic β€œBuilding a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in […] 
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PARERE workshop participants 2021

ALTERNATIVE presentation at PARERE workshop on regulatory requirements for cardiotoxicity data

On 21st December 2021, a joint workshop of the Austrian and Belgian networks for the β€˜Preliminary Assessment of Regulatory Relevance of Alternative methods and approaches (PARERE)’ was organized online. The […] 
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Training session on Adverse Outcome Pathways with OECD experts

Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) are a key deliverable for the regulatory uptake of the ALTERNATIVE project. But what do AOPs exactly represent? Which purpose do they serve? And how are […] 
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First ALTERNATIVE advisory board meeting

Productive kick-off meeting of ALTERNATIVE advisory board

On 17th December, the kick-off meeting of the ALTERNATIVE advisory board took place online. The purpose of the advisory board is to provide advice on the direction and implementation of […] 
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ALTERNATIVE project builds platform for detecting the cardiotoxicity of chemicals

Turin, 20 October 2021. On 1st October, the three-year Horizon 2020 project ALTERNATIVE (environmentAL Toxicity chEmical mixtuRes through aN innovative platform based on aged cardiac tissue model) started its work. […] 
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