Horizon 2020 research project ALTERNATIVE develops an innovative platform for assessing the cardiotoxicity of chemicals. The novel platform will enable regulators and industry to identify, quantify and prevent cardiotoxic co-exposures to industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals in a cost-effective way.

ALTERNATIVE Partners contribute to COST

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is an organization, funded by the European Union  supporting research and innovation interdisciplinary networks. COST actions connect  European research initiatives and beyond to […] 
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Green Deal cluster meeting identifies joint future policy activities

On March 8th 2023, representatives from the ALTERNATIVE project recently participated in a meeting with other Green Deal cluster projects to explore potential collaborations and identify commonalities in their respective […] 
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Webinar on “Evaluation of Chemical-Induced Cardiotoxity: Challanges and Progress”

On February 23rd 2023, ALTERNATIVE WP2 partners Sciensano and MUI organized a webinar on “Evaluation of chemical-induced cardiotoxicity: challenges and progress”. The objectives of this webinar were to raise awareness […] 
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3rd meeting of ALTERNATIVE advisory board

On 24th Feb, 3rd Advisory board meeting of project ALTERNATIVE took place in online mode.  The purpose of this meeting was to seek guidance from the board members. The meeting […] 
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Thesis defence “A systematic review and meta-analysis on the association between exposure to environmental pollutants and left ventricular dysfunction” for Horizon 2020 research project ALTERNATIVE

On January 12, 2023, a post-doctoral research fellow working for Project ALTERNATIVE, Dr Gabriele Donzelli presented her thesis work entitled “Systematic review and meta-analysis on the association between exposure to environmental […] 
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ALTERNATIVE project integrates with the European Green Deal Science -Policy Dialogue

ALTERNATIVE project integrates with the European Green Deal Science -Policy Dialogue On 12th Jan European Commission’s Green Deal Support Office invited partners from selected European Research Projects including ALTERNATIVE for […] 
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Workshop 5D in-vitro models: a step closer to humans

On 16th December 2022, ALTERNATIVE  partners Politecnio di Torino  and IVTECH organized a webinar on “5D in-vitro models: a step closer to humans”. The goal of the event was to […] 
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Automated Cell Culture Platform by ALTERNATIVE

As the project is evolving in its research & development. Recently, Cell Culture Platform that is a beta product has been developed by ALTERNATIVE Partners. This platform aims to free […] 
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Submission Open: Special issue on “The impact of  exposure to environmental Toxic chemicals on human health: Integration of Epidemiological and Toxicological evidence”

The Horizon2020 Project ALTERNATIVE develops a platform to enable the dialogue between disciplines needed to advance knowledge. As part of this project initiative,  ALTERNATIVE partners are the editors of this […] 
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Online webinar on Models for Toxicology

On 6th Dec 22, H2020 Green Deal project ALTERNATIVE  and  Project PANORAMIX-h2020 had their first collaborative online webinar on Models for Toxicology. This event witnessed more than 30 participants from […] 
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