ALTERNATIVE Stakeholder Briefing Workshop

Date: Friday, 7th March 2025Time: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM CETLocation: Hybrid (Physical & Online) Details for joining physically: Sciensano Headquarters 14 rue Juliette Wytsmans/ Juliette Wytsmanstraat 1050 Bruxelles – Meeting room Nelis More Information: About the Workshop The ALTERNATIVE project, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, is developing an innovative platform for assessing […]

ALTERNATIVE & LIFESAVER Workshop: Regulatory Innovation and Health Safety

AGENDA 13:30 - 13:35 Welcome Overview: A brief welcome and introduction to the workshop’s goals, focusing on the collaborative efforts between ALTERNATIVE and LIFESAVER to enhance health safety through regulatory innovation. 13:35 - 13:50 Presentation 1: Innovations in detecting cardiotoxicity of chemicals through aged cardiac tissue models. ALTERNATIVE Project : Birgit Mertens(ALTERNATIVE) 13:50 - 14:05 […]

ALTERNATIVE Partners to present on “Standardization and product development within an innovative SME”

Dr. Camila Betterelli Giuliano, from our consortium partner Elvesys, will be presenting the progress of the Alternative Project as part of her talk on "Standardization and product development within an innovative SME", on November 14th, at 10h30, CETIAT, at the Workshop on the road to standardization in microfluidics and  organ-on-chip Organized by MFMET – Establishing metrology […]

Workshop on ”Materials and Technologies enabling 3D Models for standardised in-vitro toxicology studies”

During this event,  three presentations of ALTERNATIVE partners and Sister Project LIFESAVER are planned. The workshop will take place in Politecnico di Torino. The main goal this event is to showcase intermediate ALTERNATIVE results to regulators, researchers, industry and other stakeholders, initiating a dialogue with them about their requirements for exploiting ALTERNATIVE outcomes. The event […]

Webinar on “Evaluation of chemical-induced cardiotoxicity: challenges and progress”

Brief summary:  (purpose, learnings and how it supports the ALTERNATIVE) The objectives of this webinar are to raise awareness about the cardiotoxicity induced by environmental chemicals and to highlight the challenges/knowledge gaps in assessing cardiotoxicity for regulatory purposes. Additionally, the non-animal based methods that are being developed in H2020 European project ALTERNATIVE and their collective […]

Workshop on 5D in Vitro Models: A step closer to Humans

The H2020 project ALTERNATIVE is glad to invite you to a Workshop on 5D Vitro Models: A step closer to Humans, organized by POLITECNICO DI TORINO and IVTECH, which will take place on 16th December 2022 . This Workshop will cover information on: 1) Commercially available technology for 3D and dynamic in vitro models 2) Focus on […]

Online Workshop on Models for Toxicology

The H2020 Green Deal project ALTERNATIVE is glad to invite you to the first Online Workshop on Models for Toxicology organised in the context of the cluster activities of the Green Deal Support Office, which will take place on 6th December 2022 from 10.00 to 11.20 CET. The first Online Workshop on Models for Toxicology aims to bring together several European project partners and coordinators and the […]

ALTERNATIVE contributes to a session at EUSAAT conference 2022, 26-28. September

ALTERNATIVE contributes to a session on" Non-Animal-Methods for cardiac toxicity" at EUSAAT conference. This session will be co-charied by Martin Paparella (Medical University Innsbruck/Austria), Birgit Mertens (Sciensano/Belgium). This annual congress provides an opportunity to share scientific experience on alternatives to animal use in the life sciences, to get updated on the EU 3Rs policy and […]

ALTERNATIVE contributes to XVIth International Congress of Toxicology in Maastricht, the Netherlands, from September 18 to 21, 2022

Historical city of Maastricht , Italy

This congress is jointly organized by the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) and the European Society of Toxicology (EUROTOX). It brings together the best toxicological scientists worldwide in the historical city of Maastricht, Netherlands. The programme will have well-balanced inputs from academia, industry and regulators and will challenge participants to interact and participate in lively […]

ALTERNATIVE Partners presents at ESB Bordeaux 2022

ALTERNATIVE partners presents on "Tissue engineering inspired tissue and organ models: recent technological advances and road to the bedside and market" at ESB Bordeaux 2022.  This 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials will take place from September 4 to 8, 2022 in Bordeaux, France. The program includes a keynote on toxicity screening through […]

ALTERNATIVE Partner participate as Exhibitor

ALTERNATIVE partner IVTech participate as Exhibitor at The European Organ-on-Chip Society.  The technology will be shown on a stand. The commercial version of MD will be proposed, as well as the evolution as an R&D activity. This event brings together a broad audience including the general public and institutions (government, health foundations, charities), the academic […]

ALTERNATIVE Partners from the National Research Council Of PISA will present “Protocol of the systematic review at the XLV Congress of the Italian Association of Epidemiology”

The Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Research Council (CNR) of Pisa will participate at the XLV Congress of the Italian Association of Epidemiology (IAE) "Decision-making in a context of uncertainty: the role of epidemiology" will take place in Padua from 29 June to 01 July 2022 ( This congress intends to reflect on the role […]

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