ALTERNATIVE at Kick-Off Meeting of European Green Deal Chemicals’ Cluster

On 3rd February, a kick-off cluster event was organized by European Research Agency for the projects under work programme topic “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in […] 
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PARERE workshop participants 2021

ALTERNATIVE presentation at PARERE workshop on regulatory requirements for cardiotoxicity data

On 21st December 2021, a joint workshop of the Austrian and Belgian networks for the ‘Preliminary Assessment of Regulatory Relevance of Alternative methods and approaches (PARERE)’ was organized online. The […] 
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Training session on Adverse Outcome Pathways with OECD experts

Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) are a key deliverable for the regulatory uptake of the ALTERNATIVE project. But what do AOPs exactly represent? Which purpose do they serve? And how are […] 
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First ALTERNATIVE advisory board meeting

Productive kick-off meeting of ALTERNATIVE advisory board

On 17th December, the kick-off meeting of the ALTERNATIVE advisory board took place online. The purpose of the advisory board is to provide advice on the direction and implementation of […] 
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ALTERNATIVE project builds platform for detecting the cardiotoxicity of chemicals

Turin, 20 October 2021. On 1st October, the three-year Horizon 2020 project ALTERNATIVE (environmentAL Toxicity chEmical mixtuRes through aN innovative platform based on aged cardiac tissue model) started its work. […] 
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