ALTERNATIVE consortium at IFPB – esib

11th International Conference on Fiber and Polymer Biotechnology (IFPB 2022) was held from 13th to 15th November 2022 in Graz, Austria, within ESIB. As biotechnology (e.g. enzyme/metabolic engineering) plays an […] 
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ALTERNATIVE consortium meets for 5th Plenary Meeting in Milan

The ALTERNATIVE consortium met on October 17-18-19 for its 5th Plenary Meeting. The meeting took place at the Mario Negri in Milan, Italy and was hosted by Istituto Mario Negri ( a […] 
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ALTERNATIVE Consortium at ESB2022

32nd Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials was held in Bordeaux from Sept. 4-8, 2022. The Conference motto – “Innovative Biomaterials and Translational Research” a will to look into […] 
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ALTERNATIVE Consortium Organizes Session on Non-Animal-Methods for Cardiac Toxicity at the EUSAAT 2022 Congress

EUSAAT, the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing, is the European 3Rs Society and is actively promoting the protection of experimental animals according to the 3Rs-Principle (Replace – Reduce […] 
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Novel protocol on direct myocardial damage due to different kinds of environmental toxicants

On June 18th, 2022, in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 19, number 12, an article has been published about the protocol of a systematic review […] 
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ALTERNATIVE partner Elvesys participated in a poster session on the topic “Microfluidics for the pharmacological characterization of compounds on neurotransmitters transporters”

ALTERNATIVE partner Elvesys participated at Gordon Research Conference, Membrane Transport Proteins, Biomedical Transporters: Physiology, Dysfunction and Targets of Pharmacotherapy from June 12 – 17, 2022. They presented a poster on […] 
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ALTERNATIVE partner co-leads AOP pre-conference workshop in ICAW/EEMGS conference

From 23rd –  26th May 2022, the 14th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW) and 50th EEMGS (Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society) joint meeting was organised in Maastricht, Netherlands. EEMGS is […] 
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Productive meeting of ALTERNATIVE advisory board

On 19th & 20th May,  ALTERNATIVE advisory board, online meeting took place. The purpose of the advisory board is to provide advice on the direction and implementation of ALTERNATIVE’s work […] 
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Participation of Sciensano in AOP visualisation group session organised by European Commission

On May 11th 2022, Sciensano participated in an Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) visualisation focus group session organized at the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. The aim of this group session was […] 
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Scientific Paper on Use of Polyesters in Fused Deposition Modeling for Biomedical Applications in Macromolecular Bioscience Journal

On 30 April 2022, Partners from Politecnico di Torino published a paper on Use of Polyesters in Fused Deposition Modeling for Biomedical Applications in Macromolecular Bioscience Journal published by Wiley-VCH […] 
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