6th Plenary meeting of H2020 Project Alternative

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On 13th and 14th March, 6th Plenary meeting of H2020 Project Alternative took place at Eurecat, Reus, Tarragona, in hybrid mode.

Day 1 of the meeting started with the welcome from the Project coordinator Dr. Ciardelli Gianluca, Professor in Bioengineering, Politecnico di Torino and Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom, organizer & moderator of the plenary.

Technical coordinator Federico Vozzi, CNR, presented the global status update from all the work packages. Work package leaders of 11-member Alternative consortium reported on the status of their respective work package and the progress they plan to achieve in coming months. Partners engaged in the discussions related to the data, platform, upcoming deliverables and shared their ideas. The intensive exchange led to possibilities and opportunities that could foster cluster collaboration and planning of related dissemination activities. This was followed by lab visit at Eurecat and finally Wrap-up of the day.

Day 2 started with parallel sessions combining multiple Work Packages which were rotated suitably. The project officer Michael Schaffer also joined the meeting in online mode. He updated and guided towards the preparation of project ALTERNATIVE first review meeting. Thanks to all the participants for collaborating and making it a success. Here are a few capture from the event.

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