ALTERNATIVE Consortium Organizes Session on Non-Animal-Methods for Cardiac Toxicity at the EUSAAT 2022 Congress

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EUSAAT, the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing, is the European 3Rs Society and is actively promoting the protection of experimental animals according to the 3Rs-Principle (Replace – Reduce – Refine). EUSAAT is organizing its annual congress from September 26 – 28 at the University of Linz, Austria. The ALTERNATIVE consortium participates and organizes a session to share its scientific learning.

Although there is increasing scientific evidence that proposes that environmental chemicals contribute to cardiovascular diseases, cardiotoxicity is not yet specifically assessed within regulatory toxicology. Recent advances in 2D and 3D cardiac model development including molecular and functional read outs, as well as computational approaches to cardiac specific toxicity assessment and kinetic modelling pave the way for the development of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATAs). These need to be mechanistically qualified via Adverse Outcome Pathways. This session will provide an overview on the current development of new methods and approaches for cardiac toxicity largely based on activities and deliverables from the ALTERANTIVE project provided by the partners from Politecnico di Torino, Istituto di Richerche Framacologiche Mario Negri, Universiteit Utrecht, Sciensano and the Medical University of Innsbruck.

Further information:

Keywords: EUSAAT Congress, Scientific Session, Non-Animal-Methods, Cardiac Toxicity, ALTERNATIVE

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