Novel protocol on direct myocardial damage due to different kinds of environmental toxicants

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On June 18th, 2022, in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 19, number 12, an article has been published about the protocol of a systematic review on cardiotoxicity and the environment.  The article “Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies on the Association of Exposure to Toxic Environmental Pollutants and Left Ventricular Dysfunction” (, authored by the group of the National Council of Research in Pisa, provides the basis for a systematic review combining epidemiological and cardiological data on possible cardiac dysfunction due to exposure to environmental toxicants. The novelty of this protocol relies on the search for possible direct myocardial damage due to different kinds of environmental toxicants. A special focus is represented by the mechanisms of action of toxicants and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Further information:

Keywords: electrocardiogram examination; myocardial contractility; cardiovascular diseases; chronic
exposure; ALTERNATIVE project; protocol

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