ALTERNATIVE at GD-SO Board of Coordinators Plenary

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On 25 April 2024, the 3rd Green Deal Projects Support Office organized the Board of Coordinators meeting in hybrid mode. From the project ALTERNATIVE project co-ordinator Dr. Ciardelli Gianluca, Professor in Bioengineering, Politecnico di Torino attended the meeting in online mode. The purpose of this meeting was to gather inputs on how the GD-SO can better support the project. The event kicked off with introduction of the agenda from Ivana Malbasic and key message from John Bell, Director, Healthy Planet with other diverse speakers on the stage. It also provided an opportunity to meet, share, and connect with other projects from the Green Deal Call.

Overall, this event provided insights on the development and implementation of tangible solutions that reconcile in a better way the well-being of our planet. Finally, Projects were encouraged to provide their feedback via a follow-up survey. We look forward to collaborate & join future GD-SO events.

The recordings from the meeting, can be accessed here:

  1. Recording of the plenary session:
  2. Recording of the breakout session on sustainability of project results:

#cardiotoxity #Chemicals #Non-animal testing #Green deal cluster

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