ALTERNATIVE presentation on AOPs for cardiotoxicity at 1st SAAOP Symposium

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On 15, 17 and 22 February, the Society for the Advancement of Adverse Outcome Pathways (SAAOP) organized the 1st AOP Community of Practice Symposium for everybody interested in AOPs and their applications. The symposium was intended to share experiences from AOP developers, coaches, reviewers, and users and facilitate discussions among the interested parties, including regulators, scientist, and academics.

AOPs are a conceptual framework for portraying scientifically credible causal linkages between perturbations of biological systems at the molecular, cellular and biochemical levels of organization and resulting adverse effects on human health or the environment. They have a wide range of applications, including the facilitation of the regulatory use of information collected with New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). The mission of the Society for the Advancement of Adverse Outcome Pathways (SAAOP) is to promote and advance scientific research that fosters the development and use of these AOPs.

During the first SAAOP symposium, team ALTERNATIVE presented their strategy to develop adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) for cardiotoxicity. Watch the recording at

The ALTERNATIVE project will develop AOPs for cardiotoxicity and will use them as the basis for an Integrated Approach for Testing and Assessment (IATA). The latter will include a broad range of available NAMs as well as the in vitro 3D models for young and aged heart tissues developed in ALTERNATIVE. These 3D models will combine functional read-outs with –omics and computational approaches.

Further information

SAAOP symposium website –


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