ALTERNATIVE Updates Presented at GD Health Cluster Meeting Nov 2024
On 8th Nov 2024, EU funded project ALTERNATIVE expert DI Dr. Martin Paparella, a MAS(TOX), ERT, MUI from the Regulatory Science Group at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Medical University Innsbruck,a partner in the Project ALTERNATIVE, shared the latest updates from the project at the GD Health Cluster Meeting. The purpose of this GD Health Cluster Meeting was to gather insights from the projects on their achievements/updates from the actions undertaken, know the latest developments/results from the projects and discuss the future actions and next steps for collaboration and synergies.
In the presentation, Martin provided key insights about the progress and innovations achieved by the project. He highlighted the policy brief that has been created for policy makers and provides key findings and recommendations from six Horizon 2020 research and innovation action projects in the Green Deal Health Cluster –ALTERNATIVE, LIFESAVER, PANORAMIX, PROMISCES, SCENARIOS and ZeroPM, projects that are deemed essential to achieve the goal of a zero-pollution Europe.
He also mentioned about the “Declaration on green practices of the Green Deal Research Projects”:
These provide the guidelines to reduce environmental impact, promote circular economy practices, and contribute
to the achievement of climate neutrality.
Further highlights from his presentation included:
🔹 Recent advancements in cardiotoxicity evaluation methods.
🔹 Progress on updating regulatory frameworks for chemical compound assessments.
🔹 Cutting-edge developments in integrated systems for future-ready cardiotoxicity testing.
Stay tuned for more updates as Project ALTERNATIVE continues to push the boundaries of regulatory innovation and health safety.
#EUfunded #ProjectALTERNATIVE #HealthInnovation #GDHealthCluster #ResearchAndDevelopment